I was really hoping this film would live up to the high hopes I had for it. I really, really loved DRM last film "It Follows"
But "It Follows" this is not. But there are some things I truly loved and others I hated.
Let me start with the hate. The entire runtime feels way too long, I don't think the length is the problem though, it's the tone and the progression of information and events that move things forward, that is the problem. And this is pretty much the only problem that I have with this film. I think a different perspective or mindset on the cutting of what he had could've drastically changed this movie to something a little more... Captivating.
I wish it had more of a delirious mangled edge to it, but instead it has this monotonous presence that kind of lingers over everything, some scenes this adds to the experience but most times it just comes off as pretentious and self-righteous, and worse of all a bit boring.
If the editing reflected the main characters mindset, I think this could've been a fantastic time.
The things I loved are many, I loved the set designs, costumes, theme and basic plot of the movie, also Andrew Garfield truly nailed the slumbering drone slouching from one place to another. DRM also totally captured the eye of an overtly sexual male gaze towards women as well, at times a little too well. The visuals are obviously the complete highlight of this film though. With gorgeous compositions and fantastic lighting and use of darkness, space and movement. DRM and his DP truly have a creative eye for imagery.
So, in ending.
7/10 - Good
A lack of momentum and purpose in the edit and the script, for the most part, kill this film from achieving higher heights. I personally still found it enjoyable for the performances and the absolute stunning cinematography but for anyone else... I can see this being a near absolute waste of time...